After being home for a best friends wedding for a week, my diet was pizza, chocolate chip cookies, beignets at Cafe Du Monde, and a visit to LA Pines. Needless to say, after my week of indulging and not getting to workout much, I wasn't feeling the best. I stay in the gym 4-5 days a week, but I still do a separate ab routine 2-3 days after my daily workout; after this week my tummy needed some TLC. I love a good ab workout that makes me feel like I actually did something.
Our first day back in Dallas we went to the gym and did a pretty long "chipper" workout called Cameron. After our workout of the day we'll sometimes do a quick ab workout, and the one I'm sharing with you is called "tabata". Tabata is basically
-20 seconds of a high intensity exercise
-10 seconds of rest
-repeat 8 times for a total of 4 minutes
( More info on this here )
Below you'll see pictures of 4 different movements, their names, and a brief explanation:
#1 Mountain Climbers: Start in the pushup position then raise one knee to your chest and then jump, keeping your hands on the ground and alternating legs.

#2 Plank: This one is pretty self explanatory. Simply hold the pushup position bearing your weight with your forearms, elbows, and toes on the ground. Keep your core tight! *you may have the tendency to poke your bottom in the air with this movement, remember keep your body straight and tight!
#3 Bicycles: Start by sitting on the ground with your knees slightly bent, feet off of the ground, and hands by your ears. With only your butt touching the ground, touch your right elbow to the left knee, then your left elbow to your right knee. The knee not touching your elbow is making a circular movement, like you're pedaling on a bike!
#4 Leg Raises: Start by laying on your back with your legs straight, and a few inches off the ground, and your hands in a "T"; as in the first picture. (If you need to hold onto something, find something sturdy and hold with your hands behind your head) Then raise your legs straight, pointing them at the ceiling and lift your butt a few inches off of the ground. When you bring your legs back down, don't let them touch the ground.
Do each of these movements for 20 seconds each, for 4 minutes. Since there are 4 movements, you'll do each movement for 2 rounds. Keep in mind this is HIGH INTENSITY, so for those 20 seconds of tabata don't stop!
I am by no means a personal trainer, but I do know a few things about fitness and what works for me. Everyone is different so what works for me may not work for you! I hope you can find some form of working out, whether it be crossfit, swimming, yoga, or tennis. Just get out there and find out what works for you! I hope this motivates you to do just that!
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